Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Heartbreaking story: Seven-year-old girl sells lemonade to raise money for her mother's headstone

lemonade stand
A young girl from Alabama, USA, managed to raise enough money at a lemonade stand to give her mother a proper tombstone.

Namely, seven-year-old Emory Johnson unexpectedly lost his mother, Carly Bordner, on March 13 this year. The woman died just days before her 30th birthday and was buried days later.

Little Emori was very upset when she visited her mother's grave for the first time with her grandmother Jennifer. She was very sad when she saw that her mother did not have a tombstone.

“It seemed like we forgot about her,” the girl told CBS News.

Her grandmother explained that, at the moment, the family could not afford it.

“Emuri immediately had the idea of ​​raising money by selling lemonade,” says the proud grandmother.

She began her work with just four lemons, but donations soon began to pour in. At first, Emory just sold his lemonade and didn't explain why, but soon word began to spread and large numbers of people visited his lemonade stand. Even though she sold the lemonade for $1, passers-by left her much more.

Thanks to the publicity, a memorial company offered to donate a suitable headstone, and the $15.000 raised was enough to cover funeral costs.

Emori is always amazed at how many people come to support her and her family.

“I didn’t know that just a little lemonade stand would attract so many people to my house.” It’s fun, but it’s also amazing at the same time,” she said.

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